Hotel King Episode 7 - I'm Sorry Cha Jae Won!

Its been like Hotel King episode 7 and I still haven't seen Jae Wan smile. Its all cold and distant. Those little details in his facial expression. His lips and eyes twitches when he felt threaten or got angry and this quote from Jae Won make me stop for a moment and think...
“Don’t misunderstand. The one that put you into a garbage heap isn’t the world, but you. If you really feel wronged, use everything in you to rise up and step on them all.” — Cha Jae Won, Hotel King

Watch the Hotel King Ep 7 preview

Jae Won: director baek, whose side are you?
Baek Mi -Nyeo: for ciel's sake i will do everything i can do
Vice President: are you suspecting me this time as well?
Jae Won: (i can't clearly heard what he was saying...but i heard "feet")
Vice President: you! shouldn't have saved me then... (about his suicide attempt)
Ah Mo Ne (to Jae Won): right after i woke up till i go to sleep, i will follow you around (MY shipping heart AGAIN) Jae Won: i won't accept it
Ah Mo Ne: i'm not 100% believing you yet.... Ah Mo Ne: your number one goal is to save the hotel, right? i want to do well...
Jae Won: are you sure that the one you want to protect is the hotel not yourself?

We even got a naked male lead by the 6th episode so there would better be! Now we only need to strip MoNe and with her boldness it shouldn't be a big problem.
I half expect that at the beginning of Hotel king ep. 7 we will get something like:

Jae Won  embarrassed and thus angry : Get out! Don't you know you should knock before coming in?
MoNe  momentarily forgetting her embarrassment and tears : I am A MO NE and a chairman of the HK, I can come in without knocking!  haughty aka stubborn pose

Jae Won  exasperated with her adorable stubbornness : If you are the chairman you should have some manners. Or do I look so hot you forgot them at home?
MoNe  embarrassed again : HA! Hot? Who do you call hot here? Even WH is hotter than you! And I've told you before that I hate all the things with wings.

I just thought you needed some help with your bandages since I'm the one responsible for your wounds.
Jae Won  hurt and angry again : I don't need your help and no need to feel sorry. I helped since you are the chairman and it could damage the Hotel’s reputation. And besides I doubt you can manage even something as simple as bandages.
MoNe: What? I am A MO NE! I can do anything! Give me that!  snatches the bandages from Jae Won and starts to dress his wounds
Jae Won protests: Give it back!
MoNe: Hush, hold still, will you?
While lightly bandaging his chest (so as not to hurt him even more), she starts to forget herself and begins tracing his old scars, coming up to his wings tattoo. She unconsciously asks  Where did you get all these? Who are you exactly?

Jae Won who was regarding her with gentle eyes (and purring like a cat, hehe    just kidding    ) and mesmerized by her ministrations and unexpected warms suddenly wakes up from his reverie and pushes her away.  Forget it! I can do the rest of it myself. You should go!
MoNe  angrily taunts : What? To embarrassed to have a woman touching you?  Well, I can't blame you. I know I'm sexy and beautiful .  haughty pose again
Jae Won: Woman? Sexy? Where did you see a sexy woman, here? All I see is a silly brat, who can't even make a bandage.
MoNe  angrily stomps her foot : Cha Jae Wan you mean bastard! I am very sexy and fashionable, I will have you know! And to think I was trying to be nice! Forget it!  and she angrily storms away.
Jae Won left alone gently touches his chest and gives a small wishful smile.

A-haha, ok  this is just me going crazy aka waiting for the next ep.    My imagination has run wild and it got longer than I planned.
But what to do? I just can't forget the last scene. Oh, the possibilities it opens! Arrgh, I really want something like that! But I have a feeling Jae Won will chase MoNe away instead. And she could be real shy so she would definitely escape. T__T
hotel king ep 7

Of course it should be somewhere at the end but it shall! No it MUST!   LOL.
And with all this  we are siblings  misunderstanding it'd be so much more heartbreakingly relieving.
Well I guess for now I will just wait our OTP to start falling for each other and realizing their feelings!    Oh, there sure would be fighting and denying and running away but in the end… 

I bet Jae Won will be punching through the wall every time he sees MoNe with WH.

And to think he personaly set them up together. Aww, this will come to bite you mister! And to add fuel to the fire, MoNe can smile so cutely and flirt so openly and innocently with our faithful concierge.   Jae Won will soon realize that WH was not joking when he said about his crush.    Aww, Jae Wan-a, you got the cat to take care of the mouse.  I wonder though who is the cat here   Jae Won, you should be more careful!

watch hotel king ep 7
 watch hotel king ep 7 english subbed

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