Angel Eyes Episode 2 - Happy Birthday Yoon Soo Wan

Angel Eyes Episode 2 is so heartbreaking and sad. Especially, at the airport where in Dong Joo and his little sister left for the U.S. all alone as orphans. I'm going to have major withdrawals without KHN & NJH next week. I missed them already. What to do,

In Angel Eyes episode 2, Yoon Jae Bum(played by Jung Jin Young) hid Park Dong Joo(played by Kang Ha Neul)’s letter from Yoon Soo Wan(played by Nam Ji Hyun). Previously, Jae Bum found out that Yoo Jung Hwa(played by Kim Yeo Jin) wanted to give her eyes to Soo Wan if she dies. As Jung Hwa fell into an emergency situation, Jae Bum suddenly thought of evil thoughts. Later when the other doctors arrived, Jae Bum was trying his best to save her. However, Jung Hwa eventually did not make it, and Soo Wan was able to get a transplant operation. Later, Jae Bum saw Dong Joo’s letter next to Soo Wan, who was lying unconscious, and took it. He put it in his drawer and concealed it

Angel Eyes Episode
Soo Wan and Dong Joo continue their sweet dating – and they record what they want to say to each other and make it like a dairy for just the two of them.

angel eyes ep 2
It’s Soo Wan’s birthday – and she’s going over to Dong Joo’s place. Dad comes home, and tells her that there is a chance for her to get a surgery as a donor has appeared. Soo Wan tells her dad that there is someone she really wants to see.

Soo Wan has a great time celebrating with Dong Joo’s family, and she gets a call from Dad, saying that the donor changed their mind. Soo Wan excuses herself, and Mom follows her to the bathroom and comforts her. Mom tells her that nothing would change even if she can’t see – she’s pretty, and there are a lot of people around her who loves her. Mom tells her that if she can, she would give her eyes to Soo Wan.

Dong Joo’s Mom is really awesome – she’s so sweet, so kind, and treats Soo Wan like a real daughter

Yoon Jae Bum and Oh Young Ji talks about Soo Wan. I’m really curious as to what kind of relationship these two have. Yoon Jae Bum is always thankful to her – and yeah….. I don’t know what kind of relationship they have. I don’t think it’s an affair because Jae Bum really loved his wife. Maybe they’re just friends.

watch Angel Eyes EpisodeDong Joo brings Soo Wan out and let her hear the recording. He tells her not to take it off till he says so. It’s the sound of the water, and birds chirping. Dong Joo let her imagine, by describing how the sun, sky and wind feels like.

Soo Wan is happy and could ‘see’ the wind. Both of them are getting ready to bungee jump, and Soo Wan’s excited but Dong Joo is nervous. Hah.

:) :) :)

Dong Joo gives Soo Wan his necklace – which was the thing left behind by his father, and tells her it is the most precious thing to him, and she should blow it whenever she needs him.

:) :) :)

Dong Joo ended up having a fever from all that rain – and Mom tells him to stay put in bed, and she goes out to deliver instead.

She gets run over by a car that was speeding.

Mom has to go for an operation – and she tells Dong Joo that if anything goes wrong, she only has two requests – one is for him to go America for Hye Joo’s surgery, and the second one is for her eyes to be donated to Soo Wan. Dong Joo is upset that his Mom is saying such stuff.

The surgery went well – but someone is watching Dong Joo closely and instructs a person not to let his mom live as she may remember who was the one who hit her. The person in a doctor’s uniform injects some stuff into Mom, and Mom’s condition worsen.

Jae Bum is the first to step inside the room – and he is about to perform CPR when he remembers that if she dies, her eyes would go to Soo Wan. However, he still performs CPR – and Dong Joo returns to find that his Mom is dying. He stops Jae Bum from trying to revive her again as he doesn’t want his Mom to be in more pain.

Dong Joo thanks Jae Bum for all the effort he has put in to save his mother – and he won’t forget it. Jae Bum looks at him listlessly, and bothered about something – but we don’t know what.

The police mention to Dong Joo that it will be hard to find out who was the culprit who hit-n-run, but he is not going to give up.

Soo Wan has been calling and trying to get through Dong Joo but he never answered.

Dong Joo returns home, and remembers his Mom :(

He goes inside the toilet and cries, apologising to him Mom over and over again :( </3

Dong Joo enters his room – and his Aunt calls. He tells her that he is going to America.

He notices the missed calls/text from Soo Wan and quickly runs out to accompany her at the hospital.

He gets there too late, and Soo Wan is already being wheeled in. Jae Bum overhears Dong Joo and realises that the person Soo Wan really wanted to see was Dong Joo.

Dong Joo sits by Soo Wan’s bedside and tells her that he has to go somewhere far away and for quite a long time. He tells her that he is sorry that he can’t be there for her when she open her eyes – and tells her to be faithful to him.

Jae Bum hides the letter and phone away from Soo Wan. Soo Wan gets hysterical when she finds out Dong Joo has left~

Dong Joo and Hye Joo leave for America~

Time passes by…. korean drama,

angel eyes ep 2 review

Oh yes it will. Just from the first episode alone you just know it's going to be good. I'm only 16 minutes in to the second episode and I've cried twice! I am just at the point where the mother says "If I could give you my eyes". I screamed at my screen because I'm like NO. Is this foreshadowing? Is she going to die? She is one of the best kdrama mamas. She is just a wonderful person and I don't want her to die. I want her to live to see her grandkids. But I know something happens that separates them for 12 years and I'm thinking that might be it. Kdrama.. you always hurt me by killing off good parents. Alright.. let me go watch the rest.. Golly.. This drama is gonna make me dehydrated!

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