Hotel King Episode 3 Review - Ah Mo Ne's Fear

If you don't have time to watch Hotel King Episode 3 just read my review here because this Hotel King Ep 3 was quite interesting. Jae Wan comes back only to find Mo Ne paralyzed with fear of the dead bird. The expression on his face showed genuine concern. I have to say that this guy is just so amazing.
"I am this hotel’s true representative. Under the reality of Heaven there must only be me." - Ah Mo Ne

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After hearing Mo Ne screaming, Jae Wan rushed into the room. He found Mo Ne crying and scared and on her bed there was a death pigeon.Jae Wan tried to console her, but Mo Ne suspects that it was Jae Wan the one that let the pigeon on her bed. In the hotel only Jae Wan knows that she is afraid of birds.
When Jae Wan hugs her, Mo Ne tells him to get out of her room.

Jae Wan:” I’ll find out who did this to you.”
Mo Ne:” Don’t bother. There’s only one person in this hotel who knows that I’m afraid of birds.”

Watch Hotel King episode 3

Seeing how scared Mo Ne was, Jae Wan calls Sun Woo Hyun back to work.

Mo Ne is to afraid to sleep in her room so she asks for another room. She wants another room , but one that looks exactly the same as her old room.

Sun Woo Hyun in confused. Why did she want a room that looks exactly like her old one.

Mo Ne:” It’s different! The air is different in this room.”

After asking Sun Woo Hyun about what kind a person Jae Wan is, she makes Sun Woo Hyun organize her clothes ….by color.

She must be afraid to sleep and to be alone into her room.

Jae Wan and the executives from Ciel Hotel are having a meeting. When the meeting ended Baek Mi Nyeo came to Jae Wan and gave him information that will help him with this project. If the things don’t go well with this project and he doesn’t get a Chinese investor, Jae Wan could be fired.

The executives want to put Mo Ne on the chairman position and they want Jae Wan gone.

The same time Mo Ne sees some guest making fun of the receptionist. She goes to them and tells them that she is the only person in that hotel who can put the employees through hard time. So if the guests want to make fun of her employees they have to ask for her permission

When she turns around, Mo Ne sees Jae Wan with Song Chae Kyung and Lee Joong Goo. That gives her and idea

Mo Ne enters the hotel with a lot of dogs. She just wanted to invite her friends to her place. The employees, Jang Ho Il and No Ah are trying to stop her.

When Jae Wan hears all the noise outside, He runs to see what’s happening. He tells Mo Ne to get the dogs out, but Mo Ne lets them go inside the hotel. Every dog goes in a different place. All the employees have to catch the dogs.

The Chinese investor arrived. He makes life difficult for Jae Wan. While Jae Wan is trying to impress the Chinese investor, Mo Ne is searching his room.

The Chinese investor is playing with his glass while the guest relations manager, Jang Ho Il is trying to pour him more wine. Because he played with his glass, Jang Ho Il , unwillingly, pours wine on his pants. The Chinese pushes Jang Ho Il. When he fell, Jang Ho Il cut his hand in the glasses pieces.

Jae Wan makes Jang Ho Il apologize to the Chinese investor. Even if he would have preferred to kick the Chinese out.

In Jae Wan’s room, Mo Ne found her father’s watch.

Angry, Mo Ne goes to Jae Wan. He is still with the Chinese investor.

Mo Ne takes the wine bottle and she pours it on Jae Wan’s head. Seeing that, the Chinese investor decided that he will not make business with Ciel Hotel.

Furious, Jae Wan is taking Mo Ne to the pool that her father died. He tells her that he has the medical report that says that the chairman committed suicide and that the watch that she found in his room it was a gift from her father. Jae Wan leaves and lets Mo Ne there.

After Jae Wan left someone came. That someone tried to drown Mo Ne.

Worried about Mo Ne, Sun Woo Hyun comes to look for her. He finds Mo Ne unconscious by the pool.

When the doctor left, Sun Woo Hyun goes to report to Jae Wan. Sun Woo Hyun is intrigued of Jae Wan’s behavior. Jae Wan refuses to go see how is Mo Ne doing.

Jae Wan suspects Lee Joong Goo for what happened.

Jae Wan goes to see Lee Joong Goo. He says to Lee Joong Goo that chairman Ah must have loved his daughter, Mo Ne, as much as he, Lee Joong Goo, loves his daughter.

Jae Wan wants to tell everyone that he is chairman Ah son after getting the Chinese investor. Lee Joong Goo doesn’t want that to happen. So he tells Jae Wan that is Jae Wan’s affection for Mo Ne will grow he’s , Lee Joong Goo’s, hate for Mo Ne will grow too.

After that, Jae Wan goes to see Mo Ne. He asks her to leave before she will get more hurt.

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Mo Ne refuses to eat. She just stays in her room.

Sun Woo Hyun is worried about her. He goes to her and tries to make her feel better.

Sun Woo Hyun tells Mo Ne about the secret gift that the chairman wanted to give her. The secret gift was a garden with flowers, “Mo Ne’s garden”.

Mo Ne goes to that garden. There Baek Mi Nyeo was watering the flowers.

When Mo Ne asked Mi Nyeo how can she trust her, Baek Mi Nyeo said to Mo Ne some words that the chairman said to her.

Hotel king ep 3 review

The same time, Jae Wan is trying to convince the Chinese to invest in Ciel Hotel. For this he asks for more information about the Chinese.

When he received more information about the Chinese business man, Jae Wan discovered that the Chinese man was always complaining about different things just to make a contract advantageous to him.

Threatened by Jae Wan, the Chinese business man accept to make a contract that this time is advantageous to Ciel Hotel.

Hotel king ep 3

Sun Woo Hyun enters into Mo Ne’s room. There he sees the CCTV video from the night that he found Mo Ne unconscious by the pool . In that video, Sun Woo Hyun saw a man that looked like Jae Wan drowning Mo Ne.

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