Hotel King Episode 4 Review - Ah Mo Ne's Comeback

I was all geared up to watch Hotel King Episode 4, thinking this Lee Da Hae and Lee Dong Wook reunion was gonna be another love story and that the drama would be a romantic comedy. I’m still confused about what exactly is happening and who’s gonna turn out to be what. I do like the comic relief characters though! It’s also apparently 32 episodes long and I just don’t know if I like the drama enough to stay with it for that long.

Hotel King Episode 4
Hotel King Ep 4

There were quite a few turning points in this episode. We now have Baek on Mo Ne's side. Mo Ne is in the garden. We hear the piano being played by Baek. Mo Ne ask help from Baek. She asks Baek what she should do. Baek tells her to leave, not to look back and run.
Jae Wan looks confused with Sung Woo. The hotel staff tries to pull Sung Woo. Sung Woo announced that it was the Jae Wan who tried to drown Mo Ne. The Vice Chair looks pissed with all this. Mo Ne comes in and tells Sung Woo if he is dreaming or writing a novel. Mo Ne negates all Sung Woo's accusation with her own version of what happened. It is clearly a bluff. It is now Sung Woo's turn to look confused. Jae Won leaves with the newly hired hotel staff. Mo Ne follows Jae Won and tells him that she's leaving and she's giving up. But before she leaves she tells Jae Won to have SungWoo continue his job in the hotel. Logic will tell us that if Mo Ne leaves then what is the point of this drama.Therefore, something is brewing.

Sung Woo waits for Mo Ne and he can't believe that she's leaving.

Sung Woo is in the office with Jae Wan. Sung Woo apologizes to Jae Won. Jae Won tells him that he acted as if he truly saw what happened. And ask how could he believe it was all a delusion. Sung Woo recalls his conversation with Mo Ne earlier. He was told to help her end things peacefully. Sung Woo tells Jae Won he was blinded because he likes/ loves Mo Ne. He finally get 3 months without pay as punishment.

It was followed by a scene that is suppose to bring comedic relief but somehow failed. That's my problem with this drama's attempt at humor. It's not really working for me.

Chae Kyung tells Jae Wan that she will be opening a restaurant that would help Hotel Ciel. I'm pretty sure she'll be the third party in our OTP's love angle. For now her character remains ineffectual.

Vice Chair arrives and Jae Wan picks him up. He asks Jae Won if he has set the date for the announcement of who he really is. The date is set. Vice Chair seems happy that Mo Ne is no longer a threat so I'm sure he is planning something after Jae Won announces that he is the son of Chairman Ah. (Which I'm sure that he is not.)

Jae Wan determined to finally show the world who he is. He truly believes that his father is Chairman Ah. This is so sad,because in the event he finds out that the one thing he believed all his life was a lie would bring undescribable pain. :(

Jae Won and the Vice Chair prepares for the ceremony.

Vice Chair hands to his staff the file on Jae Wan. He orders that the content of the folder be revealed and make sure that Jae Wan would not be be given the opportunity to speak at the ceremony. The Vice Chair must be thinking that now that Mo Ne is no longer a threat to his plan it is time to take Jae Wan down.

Vice Chair gives a toast for Chairman Ah and Hotel Ciel.
Suddenly, Mo Ne enters wearing a stunning dress and a steely look in her eyes. As far as grand entrances go, this was good.

Mo Ne glances over Baek and Jae Won notices this. Mo Ne greets the Vice Chair and addresses the guest. This is no longer the spoiled little rich girl from the previous episodes. This is now a different Mo Ne. Thanks to Baek, of course. She greeted the guests just like a pro. She looked calm, cool, collected and charming. The element of surprise is on her side. hahaha . We get a flashback to what Baek told her. She was advised if there is anything Mo Ne has then it's her bloodline and she should use that. This is a turning point in the story that I love. Mo Ne finally finds an ally and her game plan holds promise.

Jae Won is ready for his big reveal but Mo Ne stands up to make a speech. This is my favorite scene in this whole episode. The air is charged with tension. MN addresses the audience by apologising first then directs statements to the Vice Chair. She tells everyone that her dad is not happy but mortified and vexed. She shared that just before his dad died she was told not to trust anybody. The expression on the Vice Chair's face is priceless. She then revealed the anti -psychotic and anti-depressant pills that his dad was given. She bravely tells everyone that her dad did not commit suicide. *applauds

Vice Chair tells Jae Won to take care of Mo Ne whatever means necessary. I can't believe this guy. Earlier he was poised to destroy Jae Won and now he wants to use Jae Won to get rid of Mo Ne. If Jae Won does not wake up soon he might not realize that he is being manipulated to be the Vice Chair's fall guy.

Jae Won confronts Mo Ne about the medicines. Mo Ne passionately defends her actions. Mo Ne angrily shows Jae Won the video of her being drowned by Jae Won look alike. She threatens him that after the truth of her dad's death is uncovered she will reveal the video. Jae Won tells her that he is also curious about the truth.

Jae Won recalls the conversation he had with the Chairman's doctor/best friend. He told Jae Won that the Chairman should drink the medicines. So I'm guessing Jae Won was the one making sure that Chairman Ah is taking his medicine. Oh no ! This might bite him in the back.

Jae Won orders one of the new recruits to watch Mo Ne closely.

Mo Ne gives Baek a call. She wants Baek to tell her that she did a good job today. Baek tells her what she wanted to hear in a way that her father would have said it. This brings comfort to Mo Ne.

We see Baek's back while changing. She has scars on her back. I'm more curious now with Baek's backstory (literally!).

Jae Won waits in the car. He is waiting for the doctor. Earlier he was told that the doctor is not in town. He suddenly see the doctor come out and follows him. He confronts the doctor about the medicine. Jae Won confirms that it was the Vice Chair's plan. The doctor tells him that Jae Won is also part of the web that the Vice Chair created and it's difficult to run away from this evil.

All this truths drive Jae Won literally sick to his stomach. At this point, Jae Won believes that Chairman Ah is is his father. That is why it must be heartbreaking to know that he has contributed to his “father's” demise. He goes to see the Vice Chair. He spies him laughing with his daughter. Jae Won has a flashback with the Vice Chair giving him a beating.
Mo Ne is in her garden talking to herself. Jae Won comes and stares at her. Mo Ne does all the talking and she is suddenly pulled into a hug. I wish that by the next episode Jae Won finds that Chairman Ah is not his father so it would not be uncomfortable to see hugs like this.

Watch Hotel King Ep 4 English Subbed The second half of this episode was exciting. It would be nice to see these two stand up against the Vice Chair together. A simple DNA test could have established the truth about Jae Won's “dad”. This is the reason why I hope the truth about Jae Won's parentage be revealed in the next episode.

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