Hotel King Episode 5 & 6 English Subbed Release Date!

Searching to watch Hotel King Episode 5 and 6? Too bad, You need to wait for next week episodes since this week it is cancelled. Hotel King Episode 5 and 6 English Subbed will be out on 2014-April-26 & 27 due to the incident of South Korean ferry capsizing. Even though I KNOW that Korean Entertainment companies have stopped comebacks and drama’s out of consideration of the families who lost And are still searching for loved ones in the Ferry accident. I can’t help but be sad over EXO and impatient over Secret Love Affair and Hotel King.

Hotel King Episode 5Hotel King Episode 6

My favorite drama is so damn confusing right now. I can’t even predict what are going to happen. Ah Mo Ne found an unlikely ally in Mi Nyeo. She asked Mi Nyeo what she should do and she said she should leave right away because the hotel is a scary place for heiresses like her.

Hotel King Episode Korean DramaWatch Hotel King Episode 5 English Subbed

Ah Mo Ne. You sure are twisting my brains right now. I thank the drama gods that she has finally gotten some sense into her head. Finally, she realized that the bratty act has only done more harm than good for her and the hotel. I must say, she was very classy and fabulous in that banquet scene. She was so different from her previous self that if you tell me that person was actually her twin, I would believe you. And that dramatic leaving and coming back thing, I loved it. Makes it more believable. And nominating herself as CEO, dang awesome! Lee Dae Hee The dress, her hair, and her makeup were gorgeous, by the way.

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